Buddy - Our School Dog

Mrs Jones, our Deputy Headteacher, and her family have a Cavapoo named Buddy who is an important member of The Victory staff.

A Cavapoo is a King Charles Spaniel/Poodle cross.

Cavapoos are extremely good with children, intelligent, easy to train and are extremely low shedding and therefore classed as a hypoallergenic breed of dog.

He is a friendly and loving dog who is very clever and loves being around his humans!

He loves to play fetch and really enjoys having his belly tickled.


Buddy was born on April Fools' Day (1st April 2022) and lived with his mum, a toy poodle, until he was 8 weeks old when he came to live with the Jones family.


           Just Been Born                    Mrs. Jones Meets Buddy                         4 Weeks Old




     Buddy's 1st day Home                   First Car Journey                       First Meal at Home
          (8 Weeks Old)



Enjoying a rainy day walk!                 Buddy's first 'dig'                    Enjoying his first paddle!



  and his first swim!                                           Buddy's 1st day at The Victory



                                                                  Buddy's First Christmas                    Buddy's First Birthday


Helping children with their reading        Meeting and greeting the children            Checking good work


             Playtime                                                 Meeting our PSCOs

  • What are the benefits of a school dog?

    Numerous research studies have shown the benefits of well-being dogs in schools. Well-being dogs have been working in schools for the past 6 years across the UK. However, they have been commonplace in schools in the USA and Australia for many years. Evidence indicates that benefits include:

    Cognitive: companionship with a dog stimulates memory, problem-solving and game-playing. Encouraging expression, participation and shared attention.

    Social: a dog provides a positive mutual topic for discussion, encourages responsibility, wellbeing and focused interaction with others. Encouraging respect and thereby improving pupils’ relationships with each other, parents and teachers.

    Emotional: a school dog improves self-esteem, acceptance from others and lifts mood, often provoking laughter and fun. Dogs can also teach compassion and respect for other living things as well as relieving anxiety. Improved behaviour, attendance and concentration, reduced stress and improved self-esteem.

    Physical: interaction with a furry friend reduces blood pressure, provides tactile stimulation, gives motivation to move and stimulates the senses.


    Obviously, bringing any animal into school is not something to be approached lightly, both for the animal’s sake and for the sake of the children and adults in the school. Mr. Hartley has taken advice from fellow Headteachers, who have school dogs and completed risk assessments. Buddy is also fully insured to be in schools.

  • How has the school planned for this?

    Buddy’s role in school is varied. He will work with small groups of children or children on an individual basis with his handler (Mrs. K. Jones).


    Buddy’s main roles include listening to children read, supporting children who are struggling with their emotional needs and providing fun and enjoyment during playtimes. Dogs give unconditional acceptance, as they are non-judgmental, which is especially crucial to struggling, emerging readers, children who lack confidence when reading aloud or with children who feel overwhelmed. He is an amazing listener, providing the children with a sense of comfort and love.


    Buddy spends a proportion of his time in the office areas. He understands where he can go, where he can play, when he needs to be calm and quiet and what he can chew (and what not to chew!). He visits classrooms and will meet and greet our families at the start of the day.


    Please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Hartley if you have any concerns or worries or if you would like to meet Buddy yourself.


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