Waves of Intervention
The school provides a graduated response to each child dependent on their level of need. This approach is often referred to as the waves of intervention model which is shown below.
When children have been identified as needing further intervention the SENCO will carry out observation and assessments, combined with discussions with parents and outside agencies where appropriate.
Waves of intervention for children with cognition and learning needs
Wave 1 intervention
Whole School Approach (Quality First Teaching)
Wave 2 interventions
Targeted Support
For individuals or small groups
Wave 3 interventions
Highly personalised intervention for individuals
The effective inclusion of all pupils in high-quality everyday personalised teaching.
Clear objectives that are shared with the children and returned to at the end of the lesson.
Careful explanation of new vocabulary.
Use of lively, interactive teaching styles which make maximum use of visual and kinaesthetic as well as auditory / verbal learning.
Social trips.
Hands on learning
Appropriate quality resources.
Positive learning environment.
Access to a full and broad curriculum.
Promotion of a positive attitude towards learning and behaviour.
Lessons differentiated in order to include both sensory and physical difficulaties.
Dependant on assessed need the following small group interventions may be provided:
Additional guided group work with the teacher or TA.
Additional time given for some activities.
Regular additional support from an adult to support the child’s thinking about how to approach a task or activity.
Hands on learning
Specific targeted groups e.g Rapid programmes, Dandelion Readers, Numeracy support programmes, PAT
Memory skills groups:
-working memory
-Auditory Memory
-Visual /Verbal memory
Dependant on assessed need the following individual interventions may be provided:
A SEN Support Plan which sets personal targets on a regular basis
Support from a teaching assistant at points throughout the day.
Regular additional reading with on a 1-1 basis with the Teaching Assistant or class volunteer reader.
Activities are broken down into smaller steps and presented visually for children to work through at their own pace where appropriate.
Assessment and advice from Educational Psychologist (E.P). Some of the interventions the EP may suggest are:
-Precision Teaching
-Tasks Galore
-beat dyslexia
-Number Shark
-Word Shark
Every Child a Reader intervention 1:1 daily / FFT intervention 1:1 four times per week.
Completion of an Early Help assessment.
Application for an EHCP.