
Nurture Provision

Children are identified for Nurture using the Boxall Profile. Our Nurture Group has a rolling timetable to minimise the impact on the curriculum. Whilst in Nurture children work on addressing their barriers to learning though group sessions and ‘hands on’ or practical activities. Nurture provision is for a maximum of 5 terms where a transition back into mainstream will be planned.

Parents Comments

I think the Nurture room is brilliant because not all children have a SEN need and may just need a bit of extra care / nurture and understanding.

It has taught my son to understand that others have different situations that need extra understanding.

Nurture works on the following principles:

  •  children's learning is understood developmentally

  • Nurture is important for the development of self esteem.

  • The classroom offers a safe base

  • Transitions are significant in the lives of children

  • Language is understood as a vital means of communication

  • All behaviour is communication

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